Saturday, December 17, 2011

::A Christmas Letter::

Well it is the Christmas season. Christmas trees are going up, Christmas lights hanging on houses, getting pictures of kids with Santa, and can I forget that! This is such a busy and wonderful Holiday, but I think most people get lost in the "holiday" and forget what the real meaning of Christmas is.
Christmas is the time to celebrate Jesus Christ's birth. Jesus is "God in a bod" as my church high school youth group pastor says. And its true! God sent His son Jesus as a baby, to be born of the virgin Mary and born in a small stable in Bethlehem. God sent his son in such a humble way. Jesus did not come as a man, he was not born of a rich family, He was born in a stable with animals, outside, laying in a manger. his earthly father was a Carpenter and his mother was a young woman who was about to be married. Jesus came in the perfect way.

Tonight I went to church with my family and we are in the Advent time of year, so this week was on Love. John 3:16; For God SO LOVED the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life.
God loves us so much that He sent his son down as a baby to grow up and teach us about him and if we believe in him we will have eternal life with him in heaven, then dying on the cross for us for ALL of our sins. He beat death for us so then only if we believe in Him we would be able to live forever with him in heaven. Is that awesome or what!?! God is so good! He loves us so much! Tonight at Church we were told to think about "What if Jesus Never came?" What If? We could go on and on about things that would not be. I mean our Country The USA was founded upon Christianity...and there are a lot of people who forget that. Some of the points we made tonight about "If Jesus Never Came" are: 1.There would be no church, without Jesus there is no Christianity. So there would be no reason for church right? (Hebrews 12:2) Jesus is the whole reason why we come together. 2.There would be no forgiveness of our sins we would still be under the curse of sin because Jesus never came to die on the cross and save us. (but since He did, we can ask God for forgiveness of our sins and he will wash them away) 3. There would be no gospel, no good news. (Romans 1:16) 4.No hope in eternal life, only death.
 it is so sad to think about because Jesus is everything! We desperately need him! The list goes on and on. But we don't need to worry because Jesus did come!! :)

So the real meaning of Christmas, is that Jesus Christ our Lord came to save us. So Awesome! I hope that You have a wonderful Christmas and that you don't forget what the real meaning is. And if you have never heard the real meaning and maybe this is the first time you have heard it...please go ask someone! God loves you so much and He desperately wants you to love him too.

Jesus is the giver, and the gift <3

Merry Christmas!!
~Bailey Noel Photography

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


   I love taking pictures of the city! There are so many different things to take pictures of. These are just a few of my favorite ones that I have taken over this year and last year. They are mostly of Seattle, but the two last ones are in Portland. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do! :)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Be Thankful~

Happy Thanksgiving!
Be thankful for those around you. Friends, family, and those you work with. Be thankful for all the food we get to eat. There are many people around the U.S and around the world that will not have a thanksgiving dinner, but I know they are still thankful for what they do have. Pray for those people who do not get to have food on thanksgiving and also some who will be alone. If you have not had your "big" thanksgiving dinner yet...invite someone who will be alone for the holiday, or invite a family who you know is in the time of need. Bless someone. and who knows it might turn around that they will bless you.

God is good! I am so thankful for so much and so many people I have in my life! I cant even make a list because it is SO huge!! Again Happy Thanksgiving!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Awesome Nature Photos~

This picture of the Flower I took a few years ago. There is no editing on this picture and I don't even think I was meaning to have the focus on the little flower popping out of all the flower buds. it just happened! I love when those kind of things happen in Photography when something awesome happens with the picture..and you were not even trying to do it. I took this picture with my little Canon PowerShot, it did a great job!  ;)
I took this picture this last summer with my GE camera. I did edit this photo..but not that much, I just enhanced the natural color to make everything pop! This is a little creek right next to the river I live by. I am loving the reflections on the water!

Monday, November 14, 2011


Took these pictures of Simon when the sun was going down. It was the perfect lighting and I got some great shots with the sun shining behind him. Hope you enjoy.  

Thursday, November 10, 2011


 Went to the Pumpkin patch with my family and there was a super cool old barn so I had to get Silas so I could take a few pictures of him. His eyes look so cool in these pictures!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


 This is my friend Katie, She is so amazing! I took these pictures this last summer, and they turned out great!! This was the first photo shoot I had done and I was very glad of how everything turned out. Hope you enjoy.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


 This is Alexis she is one of my best friends. I took these in the summer, The green of the grass and the tree are so pretty in these photos.

 These two photos I took of Alexis this fall. I really loved this blue garage door! it had such great color and texture.

Friday, November 4, 2011


 This is Caitlin, She is one of my really good friends I love her a lot! I have been wanting to take pictures of her for a long time and today was the perfect day! The leaves on the trees were beautiful, the sun was out...well of course.. it was daytime...but the sun was not shining it was overcast, so that made for a great day to take pictures! Caitlin is wearing one of her favorite band T-shirts "Never Shout Never". Caitlin is so beautiful and so are these Photos! Hope you like!